Let Me Thrive (70x62)プリント
I couldn’t hear in the dark.
Sitting in silence for many hours, days and months. There is nowhere to go.
Watch the caterpillar wrapping up on the wall. It stays for many weeks. The caterpillar grows. Wings!
Nobody throws a rope.
I start climbing with the branch. Starting to breathe. I climb out of the black hole. I smell green grass and purple, violet flowers. The clouds start breaking apart and the sun shines bright yellow. Watching the butterfly until saying goodbye.
I am like a bird and I know what I am doing. I can fly where I can be free.
Journey on the pathways to find out who you are and what you want to be. Find how to open your mind and walk towards to your goal. Learn lessons from the pathways. Clear your own space and there is no need to suffer. Let the judgments of people fall away. Use your intuition. Go outside, take time to reconnect with nature and you can find pathways from fresh breath. Living in Gold.